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Louise Campion
Louise Campion Hold me Father EP Cover

Singer - Songwriter - Musician - Producer
Coach & Mentor for Independent Music Artists

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“Once in every generation a song comes along that you believe is distinctive, and I must say Hold Me Father is something that immediately grabs my attention. This song needs to be brought to the heart of the nation. It needs to be brought to the heart of the world.”


Dr Noël Tredinnick 

Composer, Organist, Orchestrator, and Conductor Emeritis,

All Soul's Orchestra, London


“It’s an incredible song. It’s a song that we all need to hear right now. These are turbulent, confusing times & it will give us hope, it will comfort us, it will unite us, it will inspire us.”

Syl Saller CBE

Former CMO Diageo & President of the Marketing Society,

Britain’s top 500 most influential people list,

Campaign’s top 5 Global CMOs list, UK

About The Hold me Father EP:


Hold me Father is a soaring, emotive, orchestral, piano and vocal ministry song that takes the listener on an epic musical journey into the heart of Father God. There are a number of goosebump moments and the beauty, depth and power of the orchestral score stands out as something really special and unique.


Hold me Father has blessed people’s lives around the world & brought comfort, healing, restoration, and peace to broken hearts over many years, and this new version of this song at this time in history will impact people in a whole new and remarkable way.

What people have said about the song:


"Hold me Father is a rare and unique treasure in a world where so many songs sound the same."

"A breath of fresh air. A powerful encounter with the Father. A giant hug. Peace."


"An epic journey into the heart of the Father. Absolutely beautiful. The orchestra is amazing."

"This song is going to get me through many many many moments through the rest of my life."

"The music wraps its arms around you. I felt embraced and loved by the Father."


"Incredible. Phenomenal - Exceptional - Deep heart experience."


"A song for the healing of the nations. Released at the perfect time in history."

Louise Campion


Louise Campion



Louise Campion is a singer-songwriter, worship leader, and recording artist, originally from South Africa, now based in London. For over 25 years, she has traveled the world singing, leading worship, training worship teams and preaching at various churches, conferences and events. She has been involved in many CD recordings in various capacities - singing, playing piano, songwriting, vocal arranging, song arranging, and producing. 


Louise was part of Hilton Greig’s band who opened for Grammy and Dove award winning gospel artists: Michael W. Smith and Casting Crowns on their respective SA tours, she opened for The Brilliance for their London concert alongside the Voices of Hope Choir, and was a soloist for TBN UK & Mercy Ships Christmas service 2022 alongside Shan Ako, Cat Rea, and others. She has also led worship at David’s Tent UK for the last 6 years.


Louise’s debut EP, “Hold me Father”, was playlisted on a number of radio stations across the UK and South Africa and made it to #19 on the SA iTunes chart and #18 on the Step FWD UK Christian Chart. It was also nominated as one of the top albums of 2020 by Louder than the Music Awards in the UK and the official music video for Hold me Father featured on TBN UK, TBN SA, Angus Buchan Revival Train, and One Gospel in South Africa. 


The production of Hold me Father attracted significant attention and some of the leading UK musicians chose to be part of the recording. The EP was co-produced by herself and Neil Costello, Orchestral arrangements by Mark Edwards, Backing Vocals arranged by Lawrence L. Johnson, Recorded live with the All Souls Orchestra at All Souls Church in London, Conducted by Dr. Noel Tredinnick BEM, Mastered at Abbey Road Studios by Geoff Pesche. A special version of Hold me Father was made featuring the LIV Village Choir, recorded by Niklas Fairclough in South Africa, to help raise awareness for the orphaned and abandoned children at the village.


Over the years Louise has shared the stage, recorded, song-written, or led worship with many people including: Michael W. Smith, Casting Crowns, The Brilliance, Candy Coburn, Henry Seeley, Jake Isaac, Elle Limebear, Civil Twilight, Daena Jay, Lawrence LJ Johnson, Noel Tredinnick, Neil Costello, Mark Edwards, Joanna Gill, Alan Frow, Riana Nel, Brad Klynsmith, Luke Wareham, Jules Burt.


Her next EP is being co-produced by Luke Anderson (who is part of Elevation Worship) and herself, and is due for release in 2024.


“I know how powerful music is, & the capacity it has to reach people’s hearts in ways that few other things can. I have personally witnessed how music can lift people out of depression, release hope into hopeless situations, bring peace & calm to complicated or tragic life situations, & bring healing both emotionally & physically to people. I want to play my part in using the musical gifts that God has given me to see hope & breakthrough, peace & healing, freedom & joy released into the lives of my listeners." - Louise Campion


Louise Campion

“My greatest joy in life is to connect people with the Father to encounter His love and see them set free to be all He created them to be.”

– Louise Campion

Louise is currently the Worship Pastor at Holy Trinity Claygate, in South West London, UK. For over 25 years, she has travelled the world leading worship, training worship teams and preaching at various churches, conferences and events. Some more recent ones being: Scarlet Ladies Conference in Dubai (with Starla Webster, Anna & Elle Smith, Jake Isaac, Alex & Henry Seeley); David’s Tent in West Sussex (for the last 7 years); Dwell Conference in London for 11 years (which has hosted guests like Heidi Baker, Julian Adams, Paul Tothill, Ryan Matthews, Allan Boehm, Jake Isaac); Caroline Leaf and Dany Johnson in London; John Mark Comer event in Durban; Renaissance Conference in Durban with Eric Johnson & Julian & Katia Adams.

She has a heart to help people encounter Father God and find connection and belonging and identity in Him; to see people get set free, healed, restored and transformed into who God always intended them to be; and to help people discover their purpose & calling so that they can flourish & make a positive difference in the world around them.


Hold me Father: Official Music Video 

Some Press Articles




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© 2024 by Louise Campion | London, England | Singer · Songwriter · Musician · Producer · Worship & Music Industry Coach

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